Fine dining „Dinner-4-12“

“Antiques & Wine” shop run by Mag. Astrid Zinniel at Castle Halbturn near Vienna (Austria) needed to capture curious visitors more. Many visitors had anxiety of buying admired fine antique objects, as they could not dare or even imagine to use them in every day life. The project named „Dinner-4-12“ was designed to bridge the dining experience using various antiques items from the shop and show visitors how to use them when plating or serving food. I developed and started the project in early 2016 and personally run it until end of 2018. The project turned to be successful and in high demand. I passed the project on to local chefs of famous wine region of Burgenland (Austria) to present their own culinary art. Unfortunately, the project was discontinued due to COVID-19.

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A sandwich making competition

Beetroot & Fennel Seeds Gravlax with Knäckebröd

Party that unites teams!

Having years of experience in people management, I have a created hands-on corporate cooking team-building activities to encourage group bonding, improving communication, helping with project management and foster camaraderie while whipping up fun in the kitchen! One of the examples is a sandwich making competition.

Did you know that Dr Mark Hadley, researcher at the University of Warwick’s Department of Physics, has created a mathematical formula for creating the perfect sandwic Continue reading “A sandwich making competition”

Cooking for corporate fine food events

Spiced Mixed Nuts

“Eating together can radically shift people’s perspectives: It reduces people’s perceptions of inequality, and diners tend to view those of different races, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds as more equal than they would in other social scenarios:” Argues Alice Julier in her book Eating Together.

The table acts as a unifier, a place of community. Sharing a meal is an excuse to talk, one of the few times where people are truly happy. I decided to use this powerful tool to our advantage. The catering and restaurants were not presentable well enough in the near vicinity of our office. Further during financial crisis I wanted to impress our guests, stressed out partners and clients. I decided to take matter into my own hand and I have created an original tailor-made fine food to suit our requirements and budget. This turned out to be extremely popular and innovative. The news spread very fast and I was approached by many business owners to deliver tailor-made fine food for their corporate events.

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Home-made Christmas Cookies

Here is my international selection of home-made Christmas Cookies (Weihnachtsbäckerei) for inspiration.